The AS3360 is a dual general purpose voltage controlled amplifier. The chip is Alfa’s modern pin-for-pin compatible clone of the CEM3360 dual voltage-controlled amplifier. It can also be used to build voltage-controlled filters and waveform generators. Each transconductor independently provides both linear and exponential control scaling over greater than a 100 dB range. Complete with virtual ground summing inputs, wide voltage compliance current outputs, and control inputs referenced to ground, the AS3360 requires very few external components and is extremely easy to use.
It features exceptionally low control feedthrough without trimming (10mV Max with 10 Vpp output), low noise (-110dB typical). It can very easily be run from +/-12V or +/-15V supplies.
Download Alfa AS3360 Dual Log/Lin VCA datasheet
Please note we supply the AS3360A, the top-grade variant. These are brand new chips fresh from the Alfa Rpar semiconductor factory in Riga, Latvia.
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